Das White Horse Theatre zu Gast am NEG
Das englischsprachige White Horse Theatre hat am 9. und 10. April zwei Theaterstücke in englischer Sprache am NEG aufgeführt. Für die 5ten und 6ten Klassen gab es das Fantasystück The Dark Lord and The White Witch zu sehen. In dem Stück will der furchtbare Lord Morbus die Herrschaft über das Land Underearth erringen, um es mit seinen menschenfressenden Woks zu bevölkern! Das schüchterne Mädchen Gala begibt sich auf eine gefährliche Reise durch Berge, Flüsse und Sümpfe, bis sie endlich dem bösen Lord Morbus gegenüber steht.
Die 8ten und 9ten Klassen sahen das Stück Success Story. Die Teenager Sally, Simon und Phil träumen davon klüger, hübscher und erfolgreicher zu sein. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler sahen eine Komödie über Identitätsfindung und über den Einfluss der Medien auf die Vorstellungen und Wünsche von Jugendlichen.
Beide Aufführungen wurden von den drei Darstellern sehr interaktiv und mitreißend gestaltet und das Publikum hatte großen Spaß. Doch lesen wir, was Asmin aus der 5c und Hennes aus der 9a sagen:
Asmin, 5c: „The theatre was great. There was a girl. Her name was Gala. She was the Daisy Chain winner and the queen. There was a witch who has got magic power, but she was not a mean witch. She was a nice witch. The audience was very happy to be there. It was really great and funny. I would watch the theatre again and I would recommend it to everyone, also for grown ups.“
Hennes, 9a: „The White Horse Theatre showed the 8th and 9th graders its play “Success story”, written by Peter Griffith, the founder of the White Horse Theatre. The trio very humorously but convincingly played their roles of two teenage boys and a teenage girl that, in the play, must deal with problems that many young people nowadays face very often. The two boys have to deal with the pressure to be very manly like the figures on social media and the pressure to be successful to be useful as a man and husband. The girl fears to be ugly because she is put under a lot of pressure by Influencers and their standards.
In a dream sequel, the three teenagers are sent to a hospital soap opera where they become what they wished for in real life and in the end, the two men fight over the girl and both lose her. As the trio finds itself back in reality, the teenagers have learnt what is also the message of this piece: BE YOURSELF!
Although the main goal was to teach English, the piece has a positive side effect of boosting the confidence of some students. The acting was very convincing and there were interactive elements. The actors were given big applause after the play and in a Q&A with the audience, the actors made a more personal and warm contact with the students. When the Q&A ended, the students had only positive things to say about the piece and were very happy to have seen the play.„